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Showing posts from November, 2017

Leather Bags: Myths busted

Leather as a product is fraught with myths that take away from its glamorous appeal. Most people believe these myths causing them to avoid buying leather bags many times. Once a myth is formed, it’s very difficult to break it and many times, myths are further entrenched into people’s minds. Which is why, clearing these myths becomes imperative. Myth 1: Leather bags are heavy The tanning processes through which leather bags are produced ensure that they are soft and have a weight similar to other bags. A heavy leather bag implies that it is not made from genuine leather. Myth 2: The size of the straps cannot take the weight of the leather bags At ThreeSixty, every bag is designed meticulously, which means that the straps are matched with the weight of the bag. This makes the product last longer as little details like strap length etc. are not ignored.   Myth 3: Daily wear and tear will lessen a bag’s life If it’s genuine leather, it will last long. Longevi

Qualities That Distinguish ThreeSixty Leather from the Rest

ThreeSixty = Genuine Leather The difference between the class of ThreeSixty products and other brands can be easily noticed. It is because ThreeSixty clearly stands out in the leather world with the purity of its leather and the craftsmanship it uses in making masterpieces. Sometimes buyers find it really difficult to distinguish the high-end leather with the cheap quality leather. This is because most designs are copied to hide the flawed leather. Although the product looks the same, the leather quality is dull and ungraceful. On the other hand, the elegant ThreeSixty products like makeup vanity box , remote caddy for bed, leather bags , leather jewellery box, and lots more are created with the finest form of leather. The purpose of ThreeSixty’s products is to enhance your lifestyle. Every buyer who wants to enter the luxurious world of leather, here are some points that will help you identify genuine leather. 1. Odor makes the difference The smell of lea